Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Biodata Arimbi Heroepoetri


Name : Arimbi Heroepoetri
Nick : Bimbi
Place/date of birth : Jakarta, September 19, 1966
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Single
Address : Cideng Barat 56, Jakarta 10150,
mobile: 0811848514
Languages : Speak, read and write Indonesian fluently
Speak, read and write English fluently


Dalhousie Law School, Halifax - Canada (1992)
Master Degree Majoring Environmental Law
With a thesis entitled:
"Environmental Impact Assessment as a Tool Toward Sustainable Development in Indonesia: Indonesia and Canada Legal Perspectives”.

University of Padjadjaran, Bandung – Indonesia (1988)
Undergraduate degree, Majoring Environmental Law
With a thesis entitled:
“Reviewing Spatial Planning: A Case in Antapani Settlement”


WUSC – Yogyakarta
Special course taken for preparation on taking master degree in Canada
Total length: 6 months, the course include toefl, English debate, social relation, understanding system of politic, social and cultual in Canada, as well as others academic issues

Transition to Democracy, organized by FNS – Germany
Three weeks course in understanding democratic changes

Gender, environment and Poverty, Women Study of University of Indonesia and Brighton University – UK
Two weeks independent course for establishing a curriculum on Gender, environment and Poverty in Women Study – University of Indonesia

Women Human rights training organized by WLDI
The main objective is to become international trainer specific for women human rights issues
Total length of course is three weeks which is held in Bangladesh, Sao-Paolo – Brazil and Tanzania



Advocacy staff – Walhi (Indonesian forum on environment) 1988 - 1990
Establishing advocacy focus in Walhi, preparing court lawsuit among others were: managing lawyers, collecting data for the purpose of court session and witness testimony. One of the result was the prominent WALHI lawsuit on Inti Indo Rayon case

Program Manager of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) Walhi 1992 - 1994
Responsible in managing EIA training for activist and local people. Collecting and disseminating information regarding EIA Analyzing EIA documents on certain project, including Pantai Indah Kapuk resettlement

Member of EIA Commission for Jakarta province, Department of Industrial and Trade, and Department of Mining and Energy 1993 - 1996
Reviewing EIA in each the said department, especially public participation issue, environmental perspective and social impacts assessment on the proposed project. Among others are Newmont, Semen Gombong, P. Bintan Resort, Freeport, etc.

Member of legal analysis team of BPHN (National Legal Planning Agency) in drafting Toxic Waste and Hospital Waste 1994
Review current legislation in force that is relevant to Toxic and Hospital Waste.

Program Manager of Environmental Law Walhi 1994 – 1995
Responsible in developing environmental law framework within Walhi. Enhancing capacity Walhi’s member in conserving environmental interest at 18 provinces in which Walhi regional offices exist.

Executive Council of Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) 1995 – 1996
Applying FoEI members mandate through its General Meeting (GM), Maintaining advocacy and lobby, monitoring capacity member of FoEI, and reporting all activities to GM.

International Committee for NGO Forum on ADB 1996 - 2004
Conducting fundraising for the Forum. Coordinating campaign and advocacy for certain issue based on mandate of the member of the Forum. Responsible in the area of Indonesia and Malaysia.

Executive Leader Walhi 1996 - 1999
Responsible in managing planning, actuating, and monitoring among programs within secretariat Walhi. Maintain international relation, and developing Walhi regional office including its capacity building scheme.

Board of Committee DML (Dana Mitra Lingkungan/ Environmental Fund) 1996 - 1999
Assessing proposal on small grant. Develop an assessment framework/ standard for the grantee.

Steering Committee of INFID (International Forum on Indonesia Development) 1999 - 2001
Consolidating idea and perception regarding strategic issue. Maintaining INFID vision and mission.

Secretary of Code of Ethic Walhi 1999 - 2002
Responsible for maintaining Walhi’s code of ethic. Reviewing and made recommendation on any violation of Walhi code of ethic among Walhi’s member

Daily Board of YLKI (Indonesian Consumer Organization) 1999 - 2000
Reviewing consumer act for the purpose of public benefit. Set out basic information, articles regarding consumer act for the purpose of consumer protection.

Visiting Redactor to Journal “Wacana”: a social Journal on the issue of Environmental v Globalization 2002
Designing a framework for the writers. Identifying writers/contributors and providing an opening article for the Journal.

Deputy General Secretary JARI Indonesia (Development Watch Group) 2000 - 2003
Responsible in internal management, setting focus of advocacy,fundraising, and maintain networking.

Coordinator of ELAW Indonesia (Environmental Law alliance Worldwide) 2000 - 2003
Fundraising. Maintaining a commitment and relation between ELAW members in Indonesia and at international level, which spread in 55 countries. Socializing legal aspect of environmental issues among lawyers and for public in general through publication and popular education.

Director of debtWATCH Indonesia 2000 - present
Reviewing International Financial Institutions policies

Coordinator of Feminist Political Ecology Subject in Women Study Graduate Program, University of Indonesia 2001 - present
Responsible in developing curriculum, managing other professors in teaching the subject

Member of Facilitators (Dewan Guru) JARI Indonesia 2002 - present
Responsible of training quality for JARI’s cadres. Review and up date the curriculum. Conducting training for the cadres in 12 provinces.

Steering Committee of Working Group on Power Restructuring (WG -PSR) 2002 - 2007
Maintain the vision of the Working Group, organizing communication and information regarding power restructuring issues

Member of Intellectual Property Rights, Department of Justice and Human Rights 2003 - 2005
Providing input and comment for any initiative in intellectual property rights field

Chairwoman of Board of APIK (women’ Association) Legal Aid Foundation 2003 - 2007
Fundraising. Decision makers on strategic decision for the benefit of the organization.

Member of Environmental Mediator at National level team for Ministry of Environment 2003 – present
Implementing Environmental Act mandate in conducting mediation as an alternative to settle environmental conflict.

National Consultant on Legal Specialist on National Program for Food Security, FAO and Agriculture Department 2004 - 2005
Review all current legislation in force in Indonesia that is relevant to food security including ‘Right to Food’. Review the effects of this legislation in relation to the laws on decentralization that are current in Indonesia. Consolidating and organizing The Right to Food seminar

Head of Sub Commission of Komnas Perempuan 2007 - 2009
Responsible in controlling of woman human rights monitoring and fact finding, as well as develop and maintain referral system


Research on public participation in Indonesia EIA System with TEI – Thailand 1993
Review all current legislation in force relating to public participation. Conducted serial workshop with experts, public and other stakeholders, consolidating information and published the report

Research on indigenous intellectual property rights of ikat weaving in NTT
With Walhi and SANRES 1994
Develop a framework for the study, identifying and contacting local groups and weavers, transfer of knowledge regarding IPR.

Research on legal aspect of District Decree of Kupang NTT regarding Exclusive Industrial Zone for PIAR NTT 1997
Legal opinion on the Decree

Research on Regional Autonomy Law and its impact in four provinces 1999
Develop a framework for the study, organizing serial district meeting in identifying the need and opinion regarding regional autonomy, writing and publish position paper

Research on legal aspect of Coastal and Sea for Jaring PELA 2000
Examining 78 legislation that is relevant with coastal issue. Provide legal opinion regarding coastal management

Research on Fuel demand with CSSP – USAID 2002
Develop a framework for the study, conducted public meeting regarding fuel policy in ten provinces

Research on regional budget with Oxfam GB/ DFID 2003
Analyzing regional budget in six regents, focusing on participatory process

Research on Revenue management with the Open society – Washington 2003
Exploring Indonesia natural resources supply as sources of state revenue at national level and three rich provinces

Research on structural poverty issue in 4 region - GAPRI 2003
Consolidating data and information that relevant with the issue

Research the implementation of CEDAW in West Java with JARI Indonesia 2004
Develop a parameter based on CEDAW for examining CEDAW’s perspectives in filed

Research Exploring principles of Transparency, Accountability and Participation within Power Structural Reform with WWF Indonesia 2005
Develop a parameter of good governance: transparency, accountability, and participation. Reviewing the implementation of transparency, accountability and participation on national power restructuring policy and program

Research on the existence of Indigenous Women toward Rural Governance Reform with BANTAYA – Central sulawesi 2005
Develop a background theory and framework for the study

1 . With Mas Achmad Santosa, Peranserta Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan lingkungan (public participation in environmental management), Walhi, Jakarta, 1994
2 . Conserving Biodiversity Through Traditional Knowledge, Elaw Indonesia, Jakarta, 1994
3 . Sistem AMDAL di Indonesia: sebuah Kritik (EIA system in Indonesia: A critique), Walhi, Jakarta, 1994
4. Panduan AMDAL,(EIA Guideline),Walhi, Jakarta, 1994
5. A Critique to ADB’s policy on NGOs Collaboration, ARENA, Hongkong, 1995
6. Understanding Indonesian Environmental Law, Journal on environmental Law, Manila, 1995
7. NGOs Collaboration and ADB, Forum, Manila, 1995
8. Strengthening Public Participation in Indonesia EIS Process, Walhi, Jakarta, 1996
9. Penghancuran secara Sistematis Masyarakat Adat oleh Kelompok Dominan (Systematically Destruction of Indigenous Peoples by Dominant Groups), Walhi, Jakarta, 1997
10. with Hedar Laudjeng, Bayang-bayang Cultuurstelsel dan Domein Verklaring dalam Praktik Politik Agraria (cultuurstelsel and domein verklaring haunted agrarian politic practices), Walhi, Jakarta, 1997
11. with Sari D Mochtan, Penjara ADB: Panduan Advokasi bagi Masyarakat (ADB Prison: a Guideline Advocacy for Community), debtWATCH Indonesia, Jakarta, 2000
12. Menghitung Untung daripada Buntung: analisa mengenai otonomi daerah (Counting the Benefit and Loss: an analyses of regional autonomy), Elaw Indonesia, Jakarta, 2000
13. Tiada Tempat Bagi Rakyat ( No Place for People), YLBHI – Elaw Indonesia, RACa Institute, Jakarta, 2001
14. Pembangunan Itu Lucu (The Development is Funny), JARI Indonesia, Jakarta, 2002
15. With Anu Lounella, Keadilan Lingkungan dan Hubungan Utara Selatan (Environmental Justice and South-north Relationship), in Lingkungan versus Kapitalisme Global (Environment versus Global Justice), Jurnal Wacana edisi 12, thn. III, 2002
16. Berhitung dengan Hutang Ekologis (Counting the Ecological Debt), ALIANSI, Jakarta, 2003
17. Panduan Pelatihan Anti Utang (Anti debt Training Module), INFID, Jakarta 2003
18. Panduan Pelatihan Pengacara Publik Berperspektif Lingkungan (Public Interest Environmental Lawyers Training Module), Elaw Indonesia, Jakarta, 2003
19. Panduan Masyarakat mengenai subsidi BBM (Community Guideline regarding Fuel Subsidies), Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil untuk Kebijakan Publik, Jakarta, 2003
20. Panduan Pelatihan Perancangan Perundangan (Legal Drafting Training Module) , Elaw Indonesia, Jakarta, 2003
21. Panduan Pelatihan Dasar Globalisasi (Globalization Training Module), CD Bethesda, JKLPK, debtWATCH Indonesia, Jakarta, 2004
22. Panduan Advokasi CBDW (Advocacy Guideline of Community Based Development Watch),JARI Indonesia, Jakarta, 2004
23. with R. Valentina, Femisnisme dan Globalisasi (Globalization and Feminism), debtWATCH Indonesia, Jakarta, 2004
24. Panduan Pelatihan Dasar Globalisasi, Gender, Masyarakat Pedesaan, Petani dan Nelayan (Training Module on Globalization, Gender, rural Community, and Peasant) , debtWATCH Indonesia and Bina Desa, 2005
25. With Nina Dwisasanti, Tanah di Perbatasan: analisa sosial politik wilayah pesisir (Frontier Land: Social Political Analyses on coastal area), Jaring Pela, Jakarta, ongoing
26. Ecofeminisme, ALIANSI, Jakarta, ongoing

1. Proceeding Seminar on the Human Dimensions of Environmentally Sound Development, Friends of the Earth, Jakarta, 1993
2. Seri konvensi internasional lingkungan (Environmental Convention Serial), Walhi, Jakarta, 1999
3. With Nur Amalia, Pengintegrasian Hak Asasi Perempuan dan Perspektif Gender (Integrating women’ Human rights and Gender Perspectives), YLBHI, Jakarta, 2000
4. Hukum Konsumen (Consumer Law), YLKI, Jakarta,2000
5. Buku Putih JPS (Social Safety Net White Paper), JARI Indonesia dan INFID, Jakarta, 2001
6. Neraca Pembangunan 2001: Defisit pada Anggaran, Defisit pada Perlindungan Kepentingan Publik (Balance of Development 2001: deficit in budget, deficit in fulfillment of public needs), JARI Indonesia, Jakarta, 2002
7. 199 Lexicon Hukum Lingkungan (199 environmental Law Lexicon), Elaw Indonesia, Jakarta, 2003
8. Neraca Pembangunan 2002: Negara Masih Gagal dalam Pemenuhan Hak-hak Dasar Rakyat (Balance of Development 2002: State is still fail to fulfil citizen human rights), JARI Indonesia, Jakarta, 2003
9. Laporan Tahunan: Penegakan Hukum yang Berkeadilan Gender (Annual Report: Law Enforcement with Gender Justice),Komnas Perempuan, Jakarta, 2005
10. Modul pemantauan pengadilan (Module of Court Monitoring), LBH APIK Jakarta dan Mappi FHUI, Jakarta, 2005
11. Sistem Peradilan Pidana Terpadu yang Berkeadilan Gender dalam Penanganan Kasus Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan (SPPT-PKKTP) Consolidate Criminal court system with Gender Justice in handling Violence Against Women Cases, Komnas Perempuan, 2005
12. Panduan Moot Court dan Kompetisi Moot Court Berperspektif Keadilan Gender: Penanganan Kasus-Kasus Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Dalam Proses Persidangan (Guideline of moot court and Moot Court Competition with Gender Justice Perspective), Sulistyowati Irianto, Convention Watch Pusat Kajian Wanita dan Jender, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 2005
13. Policy Paper on Criminal Law, Komnas Perempuan, 2005
14. Perempuan bertutur: Proses organisasi HAPSARI (Women told: a process of HAPSARI), HAPSARI, Medan, 2005

1. in M. Hakim, HTI: Blunder Ketiga Kebijakan Hutan Indonesia (Industrial timber Forest concessionaire: The Third Blunder of Forest Policy in Indonesia), Elaw Indonesia, Jakarta, 2001
2. in Muhammad Budairi, Masyarakat Sipil dan Demokrasi (Civil society and Democracy), Elaw Indonesia, Jakarta, 2002
3. in IGN Haryanto, Penghisapan Rezim HAKI (Intellectual Property rights Regime), debtWATCH Indonesia, Jakarta, 2002
4. in Suara Politik Perempuan (Women’ Political Voice), Hapsari, Medan, 2002
5. in Fabby Tumiwa, Listrik yang Menyengat Rakyat (Power Stink People), WGPSR – INFID, Jakarta, 2002
6. in Patricia Adams, Utang Najis (Odious Debt), INFID, Jakarta, 2003
in Poltak I Wibowo, Tips bagi Pengacara Publik (Tips for Public Lawyers), Jakarta, 2003


1. Facilitators of Strategic Planning and Capacity Building of various organization. i.e. BANTAYA, PIAR, Institut Perempuan. And HAPSARI.

2. Resource person of various seminar of environmental law, public participation, eco-feminism, and globalization issues.

3. Founders of some organizations, for instance:
- Sadaluhung Padjadjaran Marching Band (SPDC), University of Padjadjaran
- JapHama/ Indigenous Peoples Defenders Networking
- Public Interest Environmental Lawyers (PIELs)
- Legal aid Foundation APIK (an institution in defending and advocating women’ issue) in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Makassar.
- Institut Perempuan (Women Institute)
- Institute of Essential Services Reform (IeSR)

4. Chairwoman Steering Committee Pre – Congress of Indigenous Peoples all over Indonesia, which latter on establishing the first Indigenous Peoples Organization at national level (AMAN/ Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara/ Indigenous Peoples Alliance of Archipelago)

5. International Conferences attendee:
- Friends of the Earth International general Meeting in Uruguay and United Kingdom
- UN Conference on Women in Beijing (1995) – Republic of China.
- All Asian Public Interest Conference, Baguio - Philippines
- Asia – Pacific Indigenous Peoples Conference, Thailand
- Annual General Meeting of ADB in France, Japan and Manila

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